Root Canals
Root Canals
Root Canals
When a cavity or crack is deep enough in a tooth and reaches the nerve (or “pulp”), a root canal may be needed. This is because the bacteria from the mouth has reached the pulp and traveled to the base of the tooth. If this goes untreated for too long, a dental infection (or “abscess”) can develop. A root canal can either remove infected pulp before an abscess starts, or treat an abscess after it begins hurting.
What to Expect During Your Root Canal Appointment
1. Numbing: An anesthetic is administered to numb the area around your tooth.
2. Decay Removal: Dr. Lewis removes any cracks or decay.
3. Canal Cleaning: The infected nerve of the tooth is removed and the canal is cleaned of any infection.
4. Canal Sealing: A “plug” is then put into the root of your tooth to prevent bacteria from causing further damage.